The Home of Healing!
Place of Bliss Sanctuary is a place to lay down your anxieties and issues and take in the comfort of the Sanctuary vibes, being welcomed with acceptance, love and understanding, in our spiritually rich and culturally diverse community. All beliefs whose focus is on love and kindness, peacefulness and non-judgement, healing and growth may reside here as part of Place of Bliss Sanctuary’s spiritual home and community.
Through acceptance, the pursuit of happiness, non-judgement of self, the willingness to grow emotionally and mentally, an open mind, while taking responsibility, much can change!
My focus with Place of Bliss Sanctuary (POBS) is a couch to sit on in healing, empowerment, self-love, and good deeds. We even have periodic Coffee Dates to sit and chat Livestream! It’s all free! Here’s the first one we did, check it out!
If You Need Private Time: If you need me, I am here, just sign up for a session in any increment that’s suitable.
Join the Community Free with the Bliss Friday Loveletter (Pop-Up or Community Link for Free)
You can go a step further and Join as a POBATEER where you get a monthly private association message and perks!
It’s not that life is short, it’s that we don’t live to the fullest with the time we are given. I want this site to be a place of joy, a place of community where we all come under one roof to be happy. To a place you come visit because it makes you happy to see it and be part of my little world I have created for us. You deserve the best of everything so repeat after me:
I am worthy
My life has meaning
I am loved
I love myself
Even if I’m broke, I have a cheerful spirit to offer the world
Life is an adventure and I’m not gonna waste it
Happiness is a choice, I will seek happiness and the rest will follow