Become a POBATEER! At a very low cost, you get the highest value! As a member, you'll receive an annual global association certificate, exclusive logos and badges for your marketing, email and website(s), all your certificates with POBA receive priority processing and you get a special welcome postcard. The most important part is your practice is seen in association with a global brand and that builds trust!
Instant professional standing, respect from clients, businesses and students
Instant access to the frameable annual ‘Association Certificate’ for stellar business practices and ethics (renews annually)
Instant access to the POBA Member Only logos for business marketing, certificates, social media, websites and emails (you may not use logo for merch)
Member Only Global Brand Verified Badge (POBA VERIFIED)
Student Credential Verification Badge
Member Priority processing of certificates (simply put “Member” in the subject header when emailing Charly for a certificate)
Personalized POBATEER Welcome Postcard when you join, mailed to your door, with Sufi and Mascots welcoming you!
Monthly Self-Love Note, Bliss Blog, Access to Sufi’s Choice monthly business & inspiration link
Join with the link below. $39.99 annually
Your subscription will automatically renew each year until you cancel. The service will remind you by email at that time. Once you purchase there are no refunds for any reason. Thank you!
Association Benefits According to GLASSDOOR
POBATEERS are Association Members that are Global Brand Verified. This means POBA, as a Global Brand, has verified their status of association & education or association only, receiving POBA’s Professional Support with benefits. Not all POBATEERS are students (most are). The list below is to show the education or association only, verified with POBA. All members below are current POBA Verified Association Members and are Global Brand Verified. Members are listed in three categories:
Certified Student means they have been certified in a course or courses.
Once a member receives a Diploma(s), their education is changed and listed as Advanced Diploma or Mastership Diploma.
Association Member: These are members who have joined the association but are not Certified Students. They simply wanted the support of a Global Professional Brand.
Names have been added according to the invoice when joining. Sometimes the names don’t match. If you have a different name attached to education or diplomas, email me directly with proof of diplomas or a certificate from POBA to have your status changed from Member to Student with accolades. Everyone on this list is vetted.
My goal is to support the light bearers of the world and help build your confidence, and the public trust in you and your business.
Education Verification List
Misty Adair, Certified Student
Stacey Allen-Cillis, Certified Student, Advanced Diploma
Mursyid Annurin Al-Khassa, Certified Student
Patricia Baird, Association Member
Carrie Belfry, Certified Student
Dawn Boudreaux, Certified Student
Alicia Brady, Certified Student
Carmen Brown, Certified Student
Scott Burtonclay, Certified Student
Suzanne Canar, Certified Student
Ravindra Chunodkar, Certified Student
Gail Clemente, Certified Student
Laura Cullen, Certified Student
Carey-James Czlonka, Certified Student
Brittney Danby, Certified Student, Advanced Diploma
Tywan Davis, Certified Student
Darcy Dudeck, Certified Student, Advanced Diploma
Audreanna Durden, Certified Student, Advanced Diploma, Mastership Diploma
Alice Elias, Advanced Diplomas
Michele Ferguson, Mastership Diploma
Kathaleen Ferguson, Certified Student
Ami Fox, Certified Student
Angela Friedman, Certified Student
Liz Funk, Association Member
Crystal Garcia, Certified Student
Nicole Gili, Advanced Diplomas, Mastership Diplomas
Karson Gillespie, Certified Student
Yvonne Glasgow, Advanced Diploma, Mastership Diplomas
Bonita Goodall, Advanced Diplomas
Robert Hardes, Certified Student, Mastership Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, Global Citizen Diploma
Rochelle Harms, Certified Student
Shauna Hill, Certified Student
Catherine Howard, Advanced Diploma, Mastership Diploma
Renea Hood, Advanced Diploma
Sama Ibrahim Didi, Certified Student
Wendy Johnson, Certified Student
Isoke Keys, Certified Student
Lisa Koncelik, Advanced Diplomas, Mastership Diploma
Veronica Kortum, Association Member
Jennifer Knapp, Certified Student
Cara Krol (Peckham), Certified Student, Mastership Diploma
Peggy Lancaster, Certified Student
Steven Hanju Lee, Certified Student
Heather Lewin, Advanced Diploma, Mastership Diplomas
Tia Leonard, Certified Student
Lorice Love Lewis, Certified Student
Shannon Mackie, Certified Student, Advanced Diploma
Barbara Mariner, Certified Student
Kristen McKendry, Certified Student
Stewart Merrill, Certified Student
Jennifer Metzenbauer, Certified Student
Sarah Mobley, Certified Student
Angela Mondor, Certified Student
Lupin Moonwind, Certified Student
Andrew Neblett, Pending Certified Student
Nikki Nevarez, Advanced Diploma
Vanessa Nolen, Certified Student
Michele Noordhof, Certified Student
Ricky D. Ogatis, Certified Student
Elizabeth Ong, Certified Student
Carrie Ott, Certified Student
Guinevere Patterson, Certified Student
Elizabeth Pearce, Certified Student
Meredith Poczkalski, Certified Student
Charlie Jean Pope-Hamilton, Advanced Diploma’s, Mastership Diploma
Joann Quevedo, Certified Student
Jordann Rader, Mastership Diploma
Margaret Reinold, Advanced Diplomas, Mastership Diplomas
Nilza Rivera, Certified Student
Tracy Russell, Certified Student
Michelle Skordas, Association Member
Renee Silverberg, Association Member
Debra Smith, Association Member
Rebecca Stahle, Association Member
Shannalee Stoken, Certified Student
Margo Terry, Advanced Diplomas, Mastership Diplomas
Heather Tirado, Certified Student
Ololade Triumph-Abatan, Certified Student
Kim Upton, Certified Student
Urvashi Vaghela, Certified Student
Zhantell van Rooyen, Certified Student, Advanced Diplomas, Mastership Diplomas, Global Citizen Diploma
Shandley Wells, Certified Student
Marianne Wentworth, Certified Student
Brandy Williams, Advanced Diplomas, Mastership Diplomas
Darlean Williams, Certified Student
Gail Wilson, Certified Student
If you are listed as Association Member Only, or as a certified student only, and believe this is in error, please contact me at
Reasons for such listings are: People may join the association without being certified students, a different name on your payment invoice than name used as a student, and you could not be found in our records or verified after our detective work, you may be a student but have not completed your course, as we cannot find a request to our chancellor, you may be a certified student and have not requested POBA certificates. If this is the case, please forward me your certificates as proof of certification through UDEMY, so I may update your listing. If you believe you have a higher diploma not listed, reach out with proof to verify, and update your listing. POBA has done due diligence to vet student standing to their greatest ability. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you, Sufi
Founder & Director